a campaign for Congress to 
support civil service

National Federation of 
Federal Employees
Chicago, IL

We Work for America 
Federal Unions fear that 
Trump will prohibit employees from meeting on government property, or using the email system to communicate

February 7, 2025

The National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) is rolling out a new platform for union members and bargaining unit employees (BUEs) to stay in touch if NFFE staff are prohibited from contacting federal workers through their government email addresses.

We are also concerned that this Administration will prevent NFFE staff from being able to meet with union members and BUEs in agency buildings and workplaces.

During the first Trump presidency, officials explored the idea of banning payroll deductions of union dues for federal workers. NFFE expects an executive order implementing this policy to be announced in the very near future. When this executive order is issued, we will need member and BUE contact information so we can announce our direct dues platform and continue to represent you.

It is imperative that you please fill out the form at nffe.org/connect. We strongly encourage you to share this update with your colleagues far and wide.

In Solidarity,

Randy Erwin
National President
National Federation of Federal Employees

Employees of GSA in Region 5 
(IL IN MI MN OH WI) should contact their local's office in Chicago if they would like a copy of the form to supply contact information, and receive updates on their employment status / any changes in personnel policies and practices.
Contact:  Secretary Local 739